Self care and sacred showers

There are some routines that can become so sacred and only for you. For me, that’s my hygiene routine.

I consciously use all of the products that I love and start out in the hot heat! I scrub my face and body all over and let the shampoo and conditioner simmer while cleaning myself. The water then becomes very cold and shocking to the body. Changing from hot to cold water stimulates your vagus nerves within your parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions, including control of mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate.

A cleanse makes me feel like I’m taking care of my physical body while also caring for my mind while in the shower. I brush and floss my teeth! I move, sometimes sings, and always do a little yoga while in the cold part of the shower.

Once the water is over I try to let the air naturally dry me out instead of the more rushed showers where I’m patting down my body and hair with a towel. Followed by lots of lotion and hydration for my dry Colorado sun soaked skin.

It may seem simple or overrated but taking at least one good shower a week definitely boosts my spirits in many ways. After all of that, I feel so refreshed and relaxed in my own home. I will often do a bit more grounding in the form of journaling or a bit more yoga. Ideally, after all of that I get to go out and enjoy nature in some way but sometimes work, school, or a social life follows instead.

What are some simple self care routines that we may easily take for granted?

How do you budget time for your self care? For me, I take my best shower on Thursday morning after working in person from Monday-Wednesday. If I’m not out camping I’ll get another chance on the weekend but if I’m lucky I’ll get to spend time in a river or lake.

I am SO grateful for my sacred self care few hours out of each week !!

I’m also grateful for my cruelty free vegan body care products. This is no ad, but my shower time has felt even more glorious with products that I value and use mindfully. Kinder Beauty box is created and supported by Evanna Lynch aka Luna Lovegood. Thinking about my favorite book and movie series while taking care of myself feels really nice!

It’s also so fun to dream up some things during this time. I imagine my dream bathroom; it definitely looks something like this!

Food for thought:

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